602 Squadron Museum Association Online Exhibitions
Video Features
Here are some video interviews from the Lions Rampant Project which relate directly to the RAF and to 602 Squadron in particular. More videos will be added over time so please return in the future to view the latest updates.
If you have a connection to 602 Squadron or the RAF and are interested in taking part in an interview, please contact one of the project team for further details.
Current Videos
Combat footage from Gun Camera
602 Squadron RAF
The original 16mm film is a compilation of wartime gun camera footage from the Spitfires of several 602 (City of Glasgow) Squadron pilots. It was discovered after many years lying in the loft of Sqn Ldr (retired) Ian Blair when he was clearing his loft in preparation for moving home.
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Nigel Rose
602 Squadron RAF
Nigel joined 602 Squadron in 1940 and played an important role in the Squadron's contributions to the Battle of Britain
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Irene McLean
Women's Auxiliary Air Force
Irene served in Palestine during World War Two and met her future husband who was serving in 602 Squadron. She also has three children currently serving in the RAF.
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Iain Blair
602 Squadron RAF
Iain Blair has had a long and distinguished career in the Royal Air Force. He joined aged 16 as an apprentice and was eventually promoted to Squadron Leader. During World War Two, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM).
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Dougal MacIntyre
602 Squadron Museum Association
Dougal MacIntyre talks of the experiences of his father, David Fowler MacIntyre, in 602 Squadron before WW2 and his historic flight over Mount Everest.
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